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Vineyard with mountain backdrop


Bring the celebration of Sonoma home with a Texture Virtual Experience.

Texture Wines offers both personal and corporate virtual experiences. These tastings are fun and interactive! Our team will walk you through the history of Texture and educate you on the wines and winemaking along with the cheese and charcuterie you have selected. It’s like being in our historic Tasting Salon from the comfort of your own home.

Laptop open with a video meeting grid open of people drinking wine
Winemaker holding a virtual tasting
Virtual tasting with bacon, cheese and wine


Cheese and charcuterie plate with bottles of Texture wine

Add a cheese and charcuterie plate

Enjoy sea­son­al cheese and char­cu­terie to pair with your wines. Curat­ed from local wine coun­try pur­vey­ors like Cow­girl Cream­ery, Cypress Grove, Pt. Reyes Farm­stead, Hobbs Smoked Meats, The Fat­ted Calf, Napa Nuts & Rus­tic Bak­ery by Tex­ture Wines’ culi­nary team. (Selec­tion changes seasonally)

Cheese & Char­cu­terie set, $59pp + tax/​shipping

Coravin Pivot wine preservation system with texture wine

Add a Coravin Pivot

If you’re wor­ried about not fin­ish­ing all of the wines dur­ing your vir­tu­al expe­ri­ence, use the Coravin Piv­ot wine preser­va­tion sys­tem to keep your wines fresh for up to 4 weeks. (The Coravin will ship sep­a­rate­ly from your wine.)

$109 + tax, (ship­ping included)

Also Available

Elevated Cheese & Charcuterie set, $99pp + tax/shipping

Steak and Pinot pairing (contact us for details)

Custom Food Experience:
Texture's culinary team will create a menu of your choosing. We’ll send you the recipe and ingredients, along with a curated selection of Texture wines (contact us for details).